It is one short hop from ex-international to PR hanger-on or TV talking-head. Television has always been generous in providing a gracious get-out for fading sports stars, but most of them are woeful.
The BBC’s rugby coverage now resembles Jeff Stelling’s home for retired soccerfolk on Sky Soccer Saturday. Yes, you’re right, Brian, we don’t know what happens in the front row – we’re hoping you’re going to tell us. Thanks, Austin, we can see also see a man with a bandage on his head – but is it serious?
There’s a grand tradition of Welsh sportsmen – think Cliff Morgan, Wilf Wooller and Tony Lewis – playing a greater part in a wider world. This current lot either need to go back to school and learn some new tricks for their new trade or go back to reliving their past glories in private.
Alan Geere
Sport and The Media Research Unit
University of Westminster
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